Building Culture, Emotional Truth, Transparency, and Fearless Leadership:

Adrian Koehler is a leadership engagement expert and senior partner at the executive coaching firm, Take New Ground. He coaches executives and entrepreneurs in the art and science of leadership for themselves, their teams, and clients to create new, unprecedented results and experience fulfillment in their work.

"Growth, Change, & Transition"

He is the Founder and Senior Partner at Take New Ground, a leadership coaching, training, and consulting firm based in Los Angeles and is the co-host of two engaging podcasts: Raising The Bar with Drybar Founder Alli Webb and The Naked Leadership Podcast with TNG Sr Partner Dan Tocchini.

Today’s Top 3 Takeaways: Fearless leadership.Truth and Transparency.Creating connected culture through emotional truth.


Today’s Guest & Resource Links:


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Timestamped Show Notes:

07:00 – We love being distinct. We don't do what most coaching companies or training companies do most of, that shits boring and useless, as well. Wat they do is usually provide formulas that gesture at results. We don't mess around. We drive with three very distinct conversations. One is we do care about results. That's what people are paying for, something new that's happening that wasn't happening before. So we get really clear on that and how do we do that? Well, leadership, if we could talk about what leadership is for a long time, but at least we know, leadership is getting results through other people. 

23:00 - In our work, we call it vital competencies. This is where life is like the connection between two humans, that's where life is, period. I mean, we can have a transaction, but we're not gonna have a future together, that is, unless we like each other. We get some vested interest, and we get shared interest together. Actually, you know what, I'd really trust Scott, I get this guy, even if we want different things, and I get you. We might be on the other side of the table, but it's like, Man, I get this dude. He's a real deal. Now that's vital. That's like truth telling and that's really listening. That's the presence and all of the things that you naturally show up as

30:00 – When I first got into coaching, I would hope nobody would ask, how how'd you get into this? Because I wasn't an Accenture guy, I wasn't an IBM guy, I wasn't a Google guy. There's a natural thing here, I've been spending years doing a bunch of crazy weird shit, from being an ICU nurse at the bedside, when trying to keep a kid alive, to running a multi-million dollar Foundation, to working mostly to doing leadership training with murderers to taking teams to go overseas.

40:00 – It's honoring our convictions as much as our emotions most, the imposter syndrome was really my feelings about what's happening matter more to me than my capacity. I speak on lots of big stages these days, I sit in rooms, wave, and have conversations that have lots of dollar signs in the backend. Am I scared? Yes, I am. I am intimidated. I am insecure, I know all of that shits happening. When...

Building Culture, Emotional Truth, Transparency, and Fearless Leadership:

Adrian Koehler is a leadership engagement expert and senior partner at the executive coaching firm, Take New Ground. He coaches executives and entrepreneurs in the art and science of leadership for themselves, their teams, and clients to create new, unprecedented results and experience fulfillment in their work.

"Growth, Change, & Transition"

He is the Founder and Senior Partner at Take New Ground, a leadership coaching, training, and consulting firm based in Los Angeles and is the co-host of two engaging podcasts: Raising The Bar with Drybar Founder Alli Webb and The Naked Leadership Podcast with TNG Sr Partner Dan Tocchini.

Today’s Top 3 Takeaways: Fearless leadership.Truth and Transparency.Creating connected culture through emotional truth.


Today’s Guest & Resource Links:


Watch us on YouTube:


Timestamped Show Notes:

07:00 – We love being distinct. We don't do what most coaching companies or training companies do most of, that shits boring and useless, as well. Wat they do is usually provide formulas that gesture at results. We don't mess around. We drive with three very distinct conversations. One is we do care about results. That's what people are paying for, something new that's happening that wasn't happening before. So we get really clear on that and how do we do that? Well, leadership, if we could talk about what leadership is for a long time, but at least we know, leadership is getting results through other people. 

23:00 - In our work, we call it vital competencies. This is where life is like the connection between two humans, that's where life is, period. I mean, we can have a transaction, but we're not gonna have a future together, that is, unless we like each other. We get some vested interest, and we get shared interest together. Actually, you know what, I'd really trust Scott, I get this guy, even if we want different things, and I get you. We might be on the other side of the table, but it's like, Man, I get this dude. He's a real deal. Now that's vital. That's like truth telling and that's really listening. That's the presence and all of the things that you naturally show up as

30:00 – When I first got into coaching, I would hope nobody would ask, how how'd you get into this? Because I wasn't an Accenture guy, I wasn't an IBM guy, I wasn't a Google guy. There's a natural thing here, I've been spending years doing a bunch of crazy weird shit, from being an ICU nurse at the bedside, when trying to keep a kid alive, to running a multi-million dollar Foundation, to working mostly to doing leadership training with murderers to taking teams to go overseas.

40:00 – It's honoring our convictions as much as our emotions most, the imposter syndrome was really my feelings about what's happening matter more to me than my capacity. I speak on lots of big stages these days, I sit in rooms, wave, and have conversations that have lots of dollar signs in the backend. Am I scared? Yes, I am. I am intimidated. I am insecure, I know all of that shits happening. When I'm on the airplane flying across the country being paid good money to do X, all of my shit is coming up. I'm not surprised that it comes up for me. It's just a part of it. 

46:55 – Final Words


Our Final Words of the Show:

I love that we talked about legacy a ton. I think about this, especially as a dad, that's mostly where I think about being a legacy. We got four kids between me and my wife and I think about this a bunch. So my legacy is always go be all in and be all here. That's what I think about, my commitment level, I'll just compete with anybody with my commitment level. You know, we'll see results wise, but you can't outwork me. You can't out present me, you can't outwork me, let's just go, I'm gonna be all in. I love competition. I love finding the edge for myself. I love all of that. At the same moment, I want to be all here, I'll be present for it. So to being present, especially with my young kids, talking about the deep complexities of life, I do XYZ.

Now things seem to come easier for me now, blah, blah, blah. But it's not always been like that. Nor will it always be like that. So I like really sharing the struggle in life. That is as a part of it, and there's joy in that, like, if you struggle well, like aiming at some meaning, struggle will come up actually faster than if you're not aiming at anything. If I aim at something, difficulties will come faster, that's the hard. All of my insecurities, they're not going away. They're gonna be here at some level, they're gonna be here, so I want to talk about those. Talk of them, even with my nine year old. When we're out on the golf course I just say, hey, how am I doing as a dad? My dad never asked me that question. My dad's a lovely guy. I don't think you ever know how am I doing as a dad and I don't want that answer. You know, a part of me is like, oh, shit, what might he say?


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