Learn about new research and insights that may lead to better treatments and access to health care for people living with arthritis and related conditions. This episode features some highlights from the American College of Rheumatology’s annual scientific meeting — a six-day conference that draws professionals in rheumatology worldwide to learn about and discuss the latest research. Topics this year include the impact of COVID-19 on people with rheumatic conditions, benefits and warnings about certain medications, and disparities in health care. Host Rebecca Gillett also speaks with the Arthritis Foundation’s Steven Taylor about how the Foundation supports research and initiatives to improve the lives of those with arthritis.
Visit the Live Yes! With Arthritis Podcast site to read the blog and get show notes and a full transcript: https://arthritis.org/liveyes/podcast
We want to hear from you. Tell us what you think about the Live Yes! With Arthritis Podcast. Get started by emailing [email protected].

Learn about new research and insights that may lead to better treatments and access to health care for people living with arthritis and related conditions. This episode features some highlights from the American College of Rheumatology’s annual scientific meeting — a six-day conference that draws professionals in rheumatology worldwide to learn about and discuss the latest research. Topics this year include the impact of COVID-19 on people with rheumatic conditions, benefits and warnings about certain medications, and disparities in health care. Host Rebecca Gillett also speaks with the Arthritis Foundation’s Steven Taylor about how the Foundation supports research and initiatives to improve the lives of those with arthritis.

Visit the Live Yes! With Arthritis Podcast site to read the blog and get show notes and a full transcript: https://arthritis.org/liveyes/podcast

We want to hear from you. Tell us what you think about the Live Yes! With Arthritis Podcast. Get started by emailing [email protected].