In this episode on parenting, Vivekji delves into two verses from the Bhagavad Gita that describe the role of a successful parent. Vivekji also outlines 5 tactile practices to becoming a better parent–and a parent who works hard and smart.

The Bhagavad Gita 101 series from Live Vedanta sheds light on contemporary issues of relating, communicating, dedicating, and more. Missed an episode? Listen to the previous episode or start from the beginning

For those on the journey of self-development, Chinmaya Mission Niagara provides a community forum to listen, reflect, and contemplate. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more updates about upcoming live workshops, courses, and more!

Chinmaya Mission is an international non-profit organization working to transform individuals through the knowledge of Vedanta. Live Vedanta is produced by Nina Bhattacharya, Rita Patel, Deepal Shanmugam, and Akshaya Radhakrishnan.