In this next mini episode from our series of Freedom Talks, we ask the questions: How should we handle people who always misinterpret our actions in a negative connotation even though we have good intentions? What to do when we are taken advantage of by others? Can we align our goals with our guide? And if yes, how? How can an introvert handle the expectations of family and friends? Is bhakti a path to become one with the Supreme Self? How do we apply shreyas when we need to make life decisions?

FREEDOM TALKS are our bite-sized episodes with Vivekji featuring questions from seekers across the world.  Want to join Meaningful Mornings? Learn more.

For those on the journey of self-development, Chinmaya Mission Niagara provides a community forum to listen, reflect, and contemplate. This podcast is produced by young adults of Chinmaya Mission, an international non-profit organization working to transform individuals through the knowledge of Vedanta.