Subbing for back squats with hack/leg press/goblet if you feel knee twinges 

Good moderation of having small amounts of sweets. Tips on how to not go overboard with snacking. 

How to push through and push yourself for the extra rep, like what does max effort loook like while also not over doing it. 

What should last rep look like on each set, second to last rep look like? Mental tricks for it. 

How Alcohol effect your lifting

How to stay lean year round (if that’s your goal)

How to relieve stress

How to enjoy the holidays and time friends and family while maintaining progress.

How to space out meals throughout the day (is there an ideal amount to leave for dinner/later in the day). Sometimes I have over half my requirements left at like 6pm

I have been a fitness coach for 6 years and I'm here to teach you what it takes to finally lose that weight and be the best version of yourself. So if you want to  to lose weight and get your abs showing for the first time  then DM the words “abs” on instagram @kevinwuwu_ and we’ll have a chat whether  or not I can help you lose that weight to get your abs for the first time