"Wellness is working on the relationship between you and yourself." Today Remy Park of Veggiekins is on sharing her 'perfectly imperfect' journey of living, recovering from an eating disorder, working on her sobriety, and sharing mental health ups and downs. It's refreshing to see someone bust the myth of perfection on social media and at the same time celebrate what a fantastic life they are living. We're talking about getting over the fear of putting your truth out there, learning how to manage what you live with on a daily basis, and some tricks to navigating peer pressure (it's not just for kids!). The holidays can be tough for people managing their mental health so hopefully this episode helps you navigate a little more smoothly. Enjoy!

Find Remy:

Find a complete list of everything MENTIONED on the show including Remy's sobriety series: http://liveplanted.com/132-living-perfectly-imperfect-life-w-remy-park-veggiekins/

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