Today is the 100th Episode of the pod! Yayyy! This special episode is an FAQ episode, covering how to get started, how to communicate your lifestyle, even how to keep it interesting. The special part is that all the FAQ's are answered by previous podcast guests. The Colorful Kitchen's Ilene, Alli Cherry, Amanda of Mama Eats Plants, and more share their answers to your most commonly asked questions. Plus, a giveaway to celebrate 100 freakin' episodes! (If you listen you'll know why I had to say freakin' in there!)

Thanks for joining me on this crazy ride we're calling Live Planted, so glad you're here with me.

Enter the Giveaway for two Live Planted Stickers & an LP Enamel Pin HERE:

Get the MERCH HERE! Use code '100EPISODES' for $1 everything now till 3/4/18 :…=l2-shop-info-name

Find a complete list of everything MENTIONED on the show including links and a whole slew of honorable mention pod's that didn't fit into today's episode:

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