When I stumbled upon Amanda of Mama Eats Plants during one faithful Instagram bender, I knew immediately I wanted to share her with you guys. She's both a normal mom and a zero waste goddess all at the same time and she somehow makes it look easy. Amanda is breaking down how to make zero waste sustainable, why plastic is a problem, and how to get kids involved with a lifestyle switch. Plus, you asked and I listened, all things vitamins and supplements. I'm answering your Q's on what supplements you actually need as a vegan.

Find Amanda Forcella:

Get the MERCH HERE! : www.etsy.com/shop/LivePlanted?r…=l2-shop-info-name

Live Planted is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that helps health conscious people like runners, cyclists, weightlifters, and vegetarians get lower rates on their life insurance. Go to www.healthiq.com/PLANTED to support the show and see if you qualify.

Find a complete list of everything MENTIONED on the show including links and all the zero waste swaps Amanda mentioned: http://liveplanted.com/097-amanda-mama-eats-plants-making-zero-waste-sustainable-vegan-vitamins-supplements-101/

▶️ Instagram: www.instagram.com/liveplanted/

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