June 3, 2018 [PLEASE RESHARE!]

**"While We All Gabber Down Below

Elite Unelected Run the Show"**

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt

© Alan Watt June 3, 2018

https://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com DVDs/CDs/Books/Donate/FREE Archives

Democracy Always Ends Up with Tyranny - Global Governance, Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute of International Affairs - Control Over Media - The Dialectic - Politicians Know there's a Power Above Them - Albert Pike - Most People are Being Trained to Wait to Be Told What to Do - Groupthink, Brainwashing Children, Consensus, Shunning - Private Organizations have Run Us for a Long Time - How Can You Pretend You Live in a System that Is Yours? - World Government - George Soros - European Council on Foreign Relations - Soros Funding Best for Britain to Hold another Brexit Referendum - World Government Summit - Philanthropists and the Parallel Government - Facebook - Tesla - Think for Yourselves.

*Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 3, 2018