In the seventh episode of the Live Limitless podcast I chat with Mike Hrostoski from Mike is the incredibly big asian who quit his corporate MBA-type job to start a location-independent life, travel the world, become a high-performance mens coach and make friends all over the place. Mike was never one to be trapped in […]

The post LL 007: A Live Limitless Interview with Mike Hrostoski first appeared on Live Limitless.

In the seventh episode of the Live Limitless podcast I chat with Mike Hrostoski from

Mike is the incredibly big asian who quit his corporate MBA-type job to start a location-independent life, travel the world, become a high-performance mens coach and make friends all over the place. Mike was never one to be trapped in an office and after participating in the first-ever World Domination Summit in 2011 plus the unfortunate passing of his mother at the same time, Mike gave his landlord notice, sold almost everything he had, moved into his car and organized a summer road trip with his brother where they volunteered all over the United States for 94 days.

Mike writes openly about his adventures in personal development at his blog and uses Facebook as his personal rolodex. Mike is from Tucson, AZ but is currently on the couch of someone remarkable, living a life true to himself and helping men improve their relationships with their women, their work, and the world.

In this episode, we talk about:

What made him want to quit his lucrative corporate job
What made him want to live a location-independent life
What steps he took to begin his new journey
Why he chose to become a mens coach
Why he sincerely loves eye-gazing
What Mike recommends for building a “network” of awesome friends
The greatest challenges he has faced since becoming location independent
And MUCH more…

Listen below or download from iTunes by clicking here. (If you’re reading this from email, you may need to visit the site to listen)

If you’re running short on time;

(3:00): “play time” is good

(5:43): What made Mike want to give up the corporate world and essentially what he had worked towards at that point

(9:22): If he had any plans before quitting his job

(12:45): How he found so many volunteer opportunities on their “summer to serve” road trip

(17:00): What steps he took to become location independent

(22:18): What made Mike specifically want to become a mens coach

(28:53): We briefly talk about Stoicism

(34:32): What he recommends for building an awesome network of friends

(41:30): Greatest challenges he has faced since beginning his new journey

(45:52): What has been some of his greatest realizations since beginning his journey

(48:27): What advice he has for listeners who want to do something different with their life but are scared or held back in some way


Hope you enjoyed this interview with Mike Hrostoski.

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Want more inspiration to live limitless? Check out this one with Nora Dunn.

The post LL 007: A Live Limitless Interview with Mike Hrostoski first appeared on Live Limitless.