In the second episode of the Live Limitless podcast I chat with Greg & Rachel Denning from Greg and Rachel are the incredible duo currently road-tripping their way from Alaska to Argentina. But wait! They are also doing it with their five kids! After many years worth of family trips all over the world, […]

The post LL 002: Interview with Greg & Rachel Denning first appeared on Live Limitless.

In the second episode of the Live Limitless podcast I chat with Greg & Rachel Denning from

Greg and Rachel are the incredible duo currently road-tripping their way from Alaska to Argentina. But wait! They are also doing it with their five kids! After many years worth of family trips all over the world, they are currently in Guatemala getting ready to continue driving their vegetable-oil powered truck all the way down to Argentina.

As someone recently engaged, I was super excited and thrilled to know that long-term travel doesn’t have to stop when kids arrive.

This interview is entertaining and inspiring. I highly recommend listening to it all.

You can download it on iTunes and leave a review by clicking here or listen below.

In this episode, we talk about:

1. Why they have stopped in Guatemala for over a year

2. What made them want to drive the entire length of the Americas

3. How they educate their kids on the road

4. How they fund a life of travel

5. What they’ve learned since embarking on this journey

6. What have been the most difficult challenges

7. Whether or not they were worried when crossing places like Northern Mexico and El Salvador


You might enjoy:

(2:45): What made them want to drive from Alaska to Argentina

(4:50): How they prepare for such a big trip

(5:55): How they take care of boring details like taxes and health care

(10:20): Why Greg’s hero is Teddy Roosevelt

(12:00): We talk about their vegetable-oil powered truck

(15:27): Some things they have learned on this journey

(24:18): Greg goes base jumping

(30:18): When the family slept in a tent right beside the Mexican border

(33:35): How to become a no-limit person

Really, this interview was great and is sure to not only inspire but to teach as well. World travel doesn’t have to stop when kids arrive.


I really hope you enjoyed this interview. If you did, please leave a review on iTunes and subscribe as well!

Please share your thoughts in the comments below!


The post LL 002: Interview with Greg & Rachel Denning first appeared on Live Limitless.