Have you been through a storm lately? Maybe a situation where things felt really out of control? And did you wonder if maybe God was asleep? Have you ever been tempted to ask, "Does God even care about me?"

In the True Story of the Sleeping Savior, Sarah Walton and I talk about this story of Jesus calming the storm for his disciples—but not immediately.

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Sarah Walton

Sarah Walton is a stay-at-home with four kids under 14 years of age. She’s the co-author of Hope When It Hurts and Together Through the Storms (May 2020) and blogs at Setapart.net. She and her husband, Jeff, recently relocated to Colorado Springs and attend Austin Bluff Evangelical Free Church. After more than a decade of trials and learning to walk with Christ as her family navigates Lyme Disease, special needs, and more, she shares how the gospel gives hope to our suffering. In her free time, she enjoys daydreaming about what she would do if she actually had free time.

I think you're going to be so encouraged by Sarah's vulnerability, her faith, and her hope in Jesus—the one who calms our storms.

Bible Passage: Mark 4:35-41 

Freebie:  Season 1: “The True Stories of Jesus”  Bible Readings & Discussion Guide

Mentioned Resources:

Together through the Storms by Sarah and Jeff WaltonHope when it Hurts by Sarah Walton and Kristen WetherellControl Girl by Shannon PopkinKnowing Faith Podcast with Russell Moore - listen at about the 9:20 mark

Music: Cade Popkin Music 

Sarah Walton

WebsiteInstagram @sarahpwaltonFacebook @togetherthroughthestormsTwitter @swalts14

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