In this episode, Adam reminds listeners that results are what matters.

The post #126: Results Are What Matters appeared first on Adam Kirk Smith.

The hard truth is that most people don’t care about what you say you want to do in ten years; they just want you to do it. On the same note, the more work I do, the more I find that people don’t care about excuses; they only care about the results you produce. (This, of course, excludes the people who are closest to you.) This means that besides your current circumstances, and past your feelings, my question to you is, what are you doing? Yes, there is a time to grieve over traumatic events in our lives, because we’re human. We all have emotions. But at some point, to make a difference, we must bounce back; we must get up when the world tries to knock us down and out. 

To make a difference, we must bounce back; we must get up when the world tries to knock us down.
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Life is difficult sometimes. People lose jobs, people lose children, people lose spouses, people lose money, and people lose sight of their potential. But as former US president Theodore Roosevelt said, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” He didn’t exclude anyone, because everyone has something beautiful to offer, no matter what. Even with your fears and imperfections, you can start working towards your goals today. How, you ask?

Learn what you need to learn to get where you want to go.

Make a plan that will help you carry out your ideas.

Fight back when things don’t go your way.

Show up when you say you will show up.

And do what you say you are going to do.

It is never enough to just think about what you want to do, because at some point, you have to put in the work.

Execution is what brings results and results are what matters. Now go and put in the work, today. 

The post #126: Results Are What Matters appeared first on Adam Kirk Smith.