There is a lie that has been going around for decades now that says women can and should do it all. What I mean by doing it all is having a career, raising a family, being a good wife, and taking care of your home. And as Christians, we’ve added being a good Christian to this list. You know, having the perfect quiet time with a cup of coffee and a lit candle with the perfect journal and highlighters.

While all of these things are good in and of themselves, when they become our main focus instead of God, they can become idols. And this lie that women can and should do it all is just that, a lie.

As believers, our main purpose in life is to honor and glorify God in all we do. From there, our lives can look drastically different from one woman to another and one season to the next.

In this episode, I want to share with you how we can stop believing this lie and learn to focus on what God has called us to do in our current season of life.

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