When you sit down to read or study the Bible, do you find yourself distracted? It’s hard to stay focused when studying the Bible because there are distractions all around us, especially if you have kids at home or have to study in a place that may not be quiet or conducive to focusing.

As I’ve talked with women about making time for Bible study, I’ve thought about how I’ve learned to keep my focus. I’ve created a five-step process for getting into the study mindset so that you can stay focused.

There are several Bible study methods that can help you get into God’s Word consistently. They can all be effective if you use them consistently. When choosing a method, it usually depends on your personal preference or learning style. I always say the most effective Bible study method is the one you will use consistently.

In episode 177, I will share what I call the FOCUS Bible study method. I’ll walk you through the five steps and give you my best tips for maximizing each step. So grab your favorite beverage and settle in so we can get started.


Resources mentioned:

Ep. 174-Three Ways to Study the Bible Ep. 124-Using a Color-Coding System to Enhance Bible Study Focus Bible Study Printable


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