Hey, friend! Do you find it difficult to be patient when you are in a season of waiting? I’ll admit that I struggle with this a lot. I don’t like to wait for anything.

However, I know as a believer that God can use these seasons of waiting to refine my character and shape me to be more like Christ. That doesn’t mean it’s easy or that I like it.

One thing I’ve found that has helped me in seasons of waiting is to pray Scripture back to God. When we pray God’s word back to Him, we know that He hears us. And praying Scripture helps us to pray according to God’s will, not our own. It makes surrendering the outcome to God much easier.

So, grab your favorite beverage and settle in as I share four verses you can pray during a season of waiting.

Maybe you’re not used to praying Scripture. Don’t worry! I’ve got you covered. I’ll share how each of these verses can be made into a prayer.


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