Hey, friend! It’s the third week of the year. How are you? Are you moving forward and doing your best to achieve the goals you set at the beginning of the year? Or are you feeling overwhelmed with life feeling that nothing has changed just because we are in a new year?

I’ll admit that the last few weeks have not been very productive for me. My daughter has been home from college for the last month. And while I love it when she’s home, my schedule has been thrown off a bit. Now I’m staring at what seems to be a never-ending to-do list feeling that I’ll never get it all done. Some days peace is elusive as I continue to think about all I need to do.

So, I’ve taken some time with the Lord and have sought his peace in my life. I’m grateful that he has helped me to reframe some situations that have been causing me stress.

Today I want to share with you in episode 170 of Live It Out With The Planning Woman how you can delight in peace. And not just peace but abundant peace.

Grab your favorite beverage and settle in as we learn how to delight in abundant peace. This is going to be a short yet powerful episode, so let’s go!


Do you have questions about having a relationship with Jesus? Drop me an email at [email protected] and let’s chat.