It’s an all too familiar feeling for most women…knowing there is something you should be doing but not being quite able to remember what that thing is.

You’re too busy taking care of the business of life, and your mind is so cluttered with thoughts that you don’t even know where to begin.

Does this sound like your life?

I certainly struggle with this from time to time. As women, we have so many responsibilities. Perhaps you’re caring for your home, family, and work while also tending to the needs of elderly parents or other relatives. Maybe one area of your life tends to overshadow the other areas of your life, and you feel like you’re running in circles trying to get everything done.

When you lay down at night, you can’t fall asleep quickly because of all the thoughts swirling in your head.

My friend, you need to learn how to do an effective brain dump.


In this episode, we cover:

The definition of a brain dump The benefits of doing a brain dump Five steps for an effective brain dump When to do a brain dump How to incorporate a brain dump into your weekly planning time

Connect with Jennifer @theplanningwoman on Instagram.

Listen to episode 141 to learn how to get more time in your day.