This month on Live It Out With The Planning Woman, we will discuss different aspects of our lives we say we want to do if only we had the time. In each episode, you’ll discover how to make the time for the things that are most important to you.  

This week, my guest is Angela Sackett. She and I have a joyful conversation about how we can make time for friendship in our lives.


In this episode, we cover:


The importance of face-to-face relationships The story of Genesis and the companionship God gave Adam and Eve How our relationship with the Lord drives our other relationships Why it’s hard to create deep relationships How to create rhythms in life to allow for friendships Tips for starting a community group simply How to know when it’s time to let go of a friendship The importance of intergenerational relationships Why all friendships don’t look the same


Angela Sackett is a wife, momma, home educator, speaker, author, and photographer (and her house is perpetually in need of a good dusting!).  She is the voice behind, a lifestyle, recipe, and devotional blog, and the author of several e-books and courses on food and faith, hospitality, and living a vibrant life in Jesus.  Through her signature course, Refined Journey, along with one on one coaching, she helps women grow in nourishing their body, mind, and spirit so they can more effectively walk out their God-given calling.


With great joy and preaching to her own heart, she encourages women to open their hearts and homes to God and others, living as salt and light right where they are.  


Connect with Angela on Instagram @everydaywelcome. 


 Refined Journey Course


Connecting Across Life Seasons


How to Let Go of Your Fears and Host a Bible Study


Why We Have to Live an Inviting Life


Grab your copy of the Abide Bible Study and Prayer Journal here.