If ever there was a podcast episode that will show you how determination and resilience is how we create success, then this is it!

Sadly that success was not to last but what a wonderful and insightful episode where you will hear what it really takes to push on and keep belief and faith in something for the right reasons.

Diane's story is so aligned with my own and resonated so much with my own journey. We had spirit and determination, but sadly that is not always enough.

We talk about...

🌟 Creating a product
🌟The challenges of selling big
🌟The fixed mindset of buyers
🌟Resilience and belief in business
🌟The grief of losing an business
🌟Mindset and how much it matters

Diane now runs her own coaching business, Time to Flourish, where she specialises in mindfulness coaching to master your thoughts, emotions & behaviour, to enable you to consciously create the life you want.

I hope you feel inspired and this episode leaves you knowing that whatever happens on the journey you can come out of the other side stronger and wiser and ready to build your success once again.

You can connect with Diane here - www.linkedin.com/in/diane-tittert…-coach-a7846229/


Grab a cuppa!

Jules x