Just me in this episode but sharing my thoughts from a blog I wrote. We are in the midst of pandemic at the point of recording this podcast and I talk about 'when the clapping stops...'

Our clap for carers which is currently still happening on a Thursday evening at 8pm will one day stop. What happens then and what does it signify to us as humans.

This was inspired by Jon Manning who is CEO of Arthur Ellis MHS - I am a Non- Executive Director with them and this podcast is dedicated to the wonderful work they do.

If you'd like to connect and follow them the check out their details below...

I hope you enjoy my thoughts and please do like and subscribe on the channel that you listen on.

Thanks and ta ta for now.

Jules x

If you would like to support the work that Arthur Ellis MHS is doing or maybe call upon their services then please do connect with me and check out the website to see the amazing work they are doing.

Their latest initiative is supporting the NHS frontline workers. They are offering fortnightly group sessions with the help of our Sponsors to help look after the emotional health of our NHS frontline workers during this time.
