Description:  For IRT, this is our End Game: To pass on to our children, our children's children and all future generations, the products of the billions of years of evolution using appropriate technologies, not infant technologies that can create massive problems and whose most common side effect is surprise side effects, surprise results. Gambling with nature.  In this episode, Jeffrey discusses this and more to help us hone in on our End Game.

Key Takeaways:

01:10: "In January of 1999 Monsanto’s consultant spilled the beans at a San Francisco conference that outlined the biotech industries End Game."

02:11:  “Within 3 weeks (of that conference) the gag order on a scientist in Europe was lifted by an order of Parliament and that what he knew about the health dangers of GMOs would make it into headlines and over 700 articles about GMOs particularly about the safety of GMOs would be released in the UK alone."

03: 07 :  "The biotech industry now is going after everything with DNA; algae, fungi, bacteria, pets, fish, trees. Everything with DNA”

03:56:   "Every time they genetic engineer there's some surprise side effects, some mutations, some changes.”

04:11:  “Once you release these into the environment there is no recall.”

05:04:  "Dr. Arpad Pusztai, the leading expert in his field, who was gagged for seven months, unable to speak about the fact that he discovered that the process of genetic engineering is inherently unsafe."

11:05: "Investing in that End Game, in that future where we protect nature instead of replace nature. Where we educate people. Where we turn whole countries and whole continents as non-GMO marketplaces.  And we in our actions tell the developers: 'keep it in the laboratory, don't put your GMOs in our food, don’t release them outdoors.’"