
Today we look at the trends of GMOs over the past year. It's like the State of the Union for GMOs in 2019.  I looked over scores of emails and reports, etc., and they seem to fall into these broad categories:  First of all, there's the amazing trials; three of them starting actually the year before, where Monsanto/Bayer was convicted by three juries of causing the cancer of the plaintiffs and hiding the evidence. And this along with the International Agency for Research on Cancer's declaration that Glyphosate causes cancer, a probable human carcinogen. Many, many countries and jurisdictions are getting rid of Roundup. That's one area.  Two, there's more information. Guess what? That Glyphosate and Roundup is worse than before.  Three, there's a whole big war going on about the new GMOs, particularly gene editing, and that's very serious. We'll talk about that.  And four, there's generally good news about the conversion of shoppers as they become awake to this information.