In this episode Jeffrey discusses how in 1999, during a biotech conference, Monsanto decalred that within 5 years they wanted to create a world in which 100% of all commercial seeds would be genetically engineered and patented. 

They did not achieve that goal mainly becasue of one person, Arpad Puzstai whose research confirmed the dangers of GMOs to human health.

Besides Arpad nobody else was talking about the dangers of GMOs to human health and so Jeffrey's main task then, and still is today, is to discredit the biotech industry and to make the public aware of the dangers of GMOs.

This episode is about how Jeffrey has spent the last 25 years doing exactly that and the stories surrounding his efforts.

The Institute for Responsible Technology is working to protect you & the World from GMOs (and while we’re at it, Roundup®...)  To find out exactly how we do this and to subscribe to our newsletter visit

Watch the film: Secret Ingredients

Learn more about GMO 2.0.