In today's episode Jeffrey dives into the absolute corruption of science and scientists when Monsanto first released Roundup for widespread use.  In the early studies submitted by Monsanto in 1985 the EPA clearly saw in an IARC report that rodents exposed to low doses of Roundup were developing some tumors and developing more tumors with higher doses.  The EPA and IARC wanted to label it as a possible carcinogen.  This was not the end for Monsanto; over the course of many decades Monsanto engaged in an entire marketing campaign to discredit these studies.  Included in their plan was:

"Orchestrate Outcry"   Industry outreach to media Third-party experts blog, op/ed, tweet, link, repost, retweet, etc. Use front groups Have grower associations write to regulators Opinion leader write letter to daily newspaper on day of IARC ruling Ghost write or inspire supporting research papers

And so much more, including paying off scientists and EPA executives like Jess Rowland.

The Institute for Responsible Technology is working to protect you & the World from GMOs (and while we’re at it, Roundup®...)  To find out exactly how we do this and to subscribe to our newsletter visit

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