In today's episode of Live Healthy Be Well Jeffrey discusses the stunning new ruling by the Appeals Court in the Lee Johnson case against Monsanto.  Lee Johnson was the first plaintiff to sue Monsanto for Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Lee was a groundskeeper for the Benicia School District in the Bay area in California, and he came down with terminal Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as a result of daily use of Roundup. They rushed his case to court so he could get justice before he dies. And Monsanto, which is now owned by Bayer has been saying all along that science is on their side, that the juries were just moved by emotional arguments and that science will win the day.  This is what the Appeals Court said this week: "In our view, Johnson presented abundant and certainly substantial evidence that glyphosate together with other ingredients in Roundup products caused his cancer."  Listen as Jeffrey breaks down the argument in this landmark case.

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