Now before you get all "ehhhhhhh" about this being the first podcast we've done in about a month and a half, I'm going to tell you to slow your roll right f'n now. First, the Hawks had a home-intensive schedule which made it difficult to find an night wherein everyone was available and Sam did not have an Indian deadline to work toward. Second, it was the Holiday season, and we all had various familiar obligations. And lastly, as we had mentioned previously, we were efforting a for real, grown up studio to record in, and we were finally able to manage that. My wonderful girlfriend put us in contact with her cousin who is a profession in these sorts of things, and was ever benevolent in helping us out. We hope you notice a significant difference in the sound quality, particularly during our interview, which this week is with Sean Leahy of the venerable Puck Daddy on Yahoo! as we discuss Sid's non-violent protest to violent head shots, as well as some curiosities in the Western conference standings. We also look ahead to the Hawks meat grinder weekend before the All Star break, and plug a couple of upcoming events (don't worry there will be posts here for them).

So we invite you to please take a listen to our first podcast, coming to you thanks to our newly minted executive producer Marina and the fine folks at Optimus Chicago. As usual, the download links are below, and you can find us on iTunes searching for "Second City Hockey" or "Live From The Five Hole". Or you could just listen to something else during your work day like you usually do, but I think you'll get with this, 'cause this is where it's at.