First, let me tell you this interview is longer than my others. Why? Because this was my first opportunity to sit with Kenya and have a conversation about so so many things. Things that I found so interesting that I couldn't stop asking her questions.

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Kenya Wright is a bestselling author. She's been self-published for ten years, and her mafia book series are well loved. All of her books are well loved, you only need to take a look at the reviews on #Amazon to know this. #selfpublishingsuccess #selfpublishingmarketing

#Self-publishing isn't an easy road to take. But when you consider that Kenya has been #traveling this path as a divorced Black woman solo traveling with kids! Wow. With her children by her side, she's traveled the states, but has also begun to explore outside of the states to places like Puerto Rico. Come on - what amazing stories do you think her children have to share.

As a Black woman solo traveling, Kenya has visited places like Mexico and Thailand, and before the pandemic hit, she and her children were planning to visit China, Japan and others. #Blackwomantravelingsolo #Blackwomantraveling 

I hope that you will enjoy this conversation with Kenya, I know that I did! Her story is encouraging and inspirational. Join us and tell us what you think?

Don't forget to visit my #YouTube channel - Angela Kay Austin