The almighty #bookreview! Let's talk about book reviews in fiction. As an indie writer, this is always a hot topic. Why? Well, because we are always searching for any promotional item that will help us reach a reader.

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Whether you're hiring a promotional service to assist you with your marketing or you have an ARC (advanced reader copy) team, street team, or regular readers find you through #Goodreads, #Amazon, #KOBO, #BN or wherever you list your books reviews can be both good and bad.

For me there's always this little feeling in my gut when I see a notice of a new review. Do I read them, nope! But that doesn't stop friends from sharing the detail with you that you.

So, I invited a few of the leaders in the game of reviews to join me to discuss the importance of book reviews. I'm joined by Joy of Joyfully Reviewed and Lola of Mile High Book Club. To view this episode, visit my #YouTube channel!

#Indiepublished #authors, you're going to love this one! #self-publishmarketingsuccess #selfpublishingabook

More about Joy:
Website: http: //
Facebook: /JoyfullyReviewed

More about Lola:
Website:https: //
Facebook: /MileHighKinkBookClub