I love to travel! If I had "all the dollars" in my bank account, I would live the life of a digital nomad. It speaks to my spirit!! Seeing the world, exploring various cultures and meeting awesome new people is absolutely the way I plan to live my life. #BlackWomanTravelingSolo #BlackWomanTravelingAlone

Don't forget to follow me on your favorite social media:https://linktr.ee/angelakayaustin

Recently, I had the opportunity to break ties and explore the world of the digital nomad. However, I wanted to determine a "safe" way for me to travel without being alone.

How do you do this? Is it possible?

There are so many things to consider. How do I do this as a woman? How do I do this as a Black woman? How I do this alone?

After I researched a ton of options, I decided to jump in with Hacker Paradise. Hacker Paradise is an organization that will plan your trip for you: housing, co-work space, etc. Right down to the sim card you put into your phone.

Because I have had so many people ask me about my trip, I asked Sara, Head of Operations for Hacker Paradise to join me. Visit Hacker Paradise's website: https://www.hackerparadise.org/ To view this episode, check out my #YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/fDaSEa6b7Cc

She and I discussed Hacker Paradise. What it is? What they do for you? And how you can have an amazing time exploring the world alone, without being alone.

Learn more about travel with Hacker Paradise: https://www.hackerparadise.org/trips/