1994, the summer of Black Love. I'd never heard this phrase until the day I interviewed Beverly Jenkins. For those who may not be familiar and, truthfully, I'm curious as to who that might be! But there may be a few unicorns out there. Ms. Beverly Jenkins has been published for nearly thirty years. She is one of the Black Romance originals. #BlackRomanceWriters #SelfpublishingSuccess

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Beverly Jenkins #Romance novels were some of the #books that I read as a young adult which showed me that African-American women could be the heroine of love stories, not just a sassy sidekick.  #BeverlyJenkinsBooks #BeverlyJenkinsMovie

The importance of inclusion and diversity throughout all forms of media may be lost on some, but in today's world, the need to tell stories from different perspectives is becoming more and more of a priority.

Before people even truly understood the value of Beverly Jenkins' novels, she challenged the world around her by combining a turbulent history with #romance to create #books that were filled will hope and joy that found a way to exist around (or even with) pain.