Previous Episode: MM36 - February 5, 2017
Next Episode: MM37 - February 6, 2017

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With all the talk on the Live Build Change podcast about building a profitable business you may find it interesting that I’m saying that money is not the goal. But that IS what I’m saying. Money is just a tool to reach your goal. And from a Christian perspective, that’s exactly how it’s got to be.

The Apostle Paul warned against us “wanting to be rich,” saying that it’s a very dangerous way in some regards. And I have to admit that’s true. It takes a very mature believer in Christ to keep the desire for money from taking over every good goal you have. So on this episode of the podcast I’m talking just a bit about why money is a great tool, but a terrible goal.

Outline of This Episode: MONEY IS A TOOL [1:02] How I may have communicated wrongly in the last episode. [2:19] Money is a great reward but it’s a terrible goal. [4:16] Your invitation to join the LBC Facebook community. Money definitely helps with all kinds of problems.

That’s because money addresses some of the most basic needs we have - food, clothing, shelter, etc. And we can see from Jesus’ life and ministry that often the physical needs can be met in an effort to open the door to meeting the deeper, real needs of the soul. So I’m in no way saying money is inherently bad. It’s when money becomes the goal that you get into trouble. So on this episode I’m eager to set the record straight and give you some examples of how money, used rightly, as a tool, can help you accomplish some God-sized goals. - Episode 8 - The LBC Facebook Community

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