EP 304 Shauna A. Wekherlien, Tax Goddess

On this episode of The Live and Lead with Impact Podcast, Coach Kirsten is joined By Shauna A. Wekherlien! Shauna A. Wekherlien, CPA, MTax, CTC, CTS, Tax Goddess is a highly sought-after Certified Public Accountant and founder of Tax Goddess Business Services, PC, established 2004. Tax Goddess is a global team of 65+ specialists that uses plain language (not tax code) to help business owners, investors, and entrepreneurs create plans of action to increase the business owner’s bottom line, reduce costs, significantly reduce taxes, increase cash flow, and perform what-if scenario options so that owners know what decisions to make and which paths are best suited to their particular situation.

Throughout this episode Kirsten and Shauna speak about what truly inspired and motivated Shauna to leave her astrology studies to become this amazing Tax Goddess who’s able to positively impact people lives daily. Shauna shares how her mom is her No.1 idol and after seeing her struggle with the IRS and seeing her mom feelings taken advantage of she decided it was her calling to help others in her mom’s position. Kirsten and Shauna also work through some challenges Shauna is currently facing that are preventing her from making bigger and bolder impacts every day. Kirsten creates some easy-to-implement strategies to help Shauna overcome the ‘quiet quitting/great resignation’ we’re currently seeing among all workforces. Kirsten encourages Shauna, and others in similar positions, to re-evaluate their hiring procedures: instead of telling people what you need from them, show them what you have to offer them – and commit to it!

Shauna expresses her passion throughout the entire podcast so it’s no surprise that her best advice to us listeners, is to quit what you’re doing if you’re not super passionate about it, find something else you’re interested in and if that’s not doing it for you, quit and find something else and continue to do that until you find something that makes you excited every day!

To learn more about Shauna and the amazing opportunities and strategies she has to offer head over to her website: www.Taxgoddess.com. You can also contact Shauna through all social media platforms @TaxGoddess

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