Here is my third episode of Live and Direct. This one clocks in at 45:18 long, and 41.5MB big.

This show is about weather, specifically of the man-made variety.

Here's the playlist of songs:
They Might Be Giants - The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas
The Weather Girls - It's Raining Men
Little Fluffy Clouds - The Orb

Here are some pictures demonstrating atmospheric phenomena that most people would agree are beyond the common understanding of meteorology:
holes punched out of clouds:

geometric cloud patterns:

wave fronts in existing clouds made by scalar weather manipulation (clouds aren't supposed to have r-r-r-ridges):

"boiling sky/boiling clouds" - I saw this phenomenon, along with many other people, at the 2005 Common Ground fair in Unity, ME. Check out my gallery of weird weather from 9/25/05. Regretfully those pictures are terribly overexposed, but I have increased the contrast so you might be able to see the "artificial domes" in the cloud bottoms that fair attendees saw that day. Compare the relatively normal clouds in the first picture (taken at about 12:30pm) with the rest of the pictures (taken roughly two hours later).

an image of the same phenomenon from Barium Blues

I talked about a number of web sites and people in the show, and here are links to some of them:
A short list of "starter" sites about weather modification:
Scott Stevens' Weather Wars site (some pictures from the site are included below)
Tom Bearden's site about weather phenomena
Ken Adachi's Educate Yourself, a site featuring many, many interesting, compelling, and far-from-mainstream topics, including chemtrails and weather modification.
discussion and hyperbole about chemtrails and weather modification, as well as speculation and very loosely-connected other topics.
User-centric forum for discussion of chemtrails and related phenomena. As with the last few sites, your discretion is advised. Many of these sites need to be taken with a rather large grain of salt and with your conspiracy-theory aluminum foil hat firmly on.

Sites about the mathematical and scientific background behind scalar weaponry and weather modification technology:
a long and interesting essay urging that we re-examine classical electromagnetism in light of comparatively recent discoveries in particle physics, by John Bedini, an alternative energy researcher. [NOTE: as is elaborated there, Lorentz (not Heaviside as I suggested) was responsible for truncating Maxwell's equations into two components: the traditionally used and recognized "Poynting" component, and the neglected and ignored, but potentially more significant "Heaviside" component.]
Tom Bearden has an overview of Gabriel Kron's "negative resistor" employed by the Navy's 1930's GE/Stanford University project named the "Network Analyzer" (now postulated to be an overunity energy device). This has, according to Bearden and Bedini, been a serious and long-standing oversight in the physics community, and that, would we recognize Kron's "open path" model in favor of our more limiting "closed-path" model used in classical circuitry and electrical engineering, we would be much further along. [PERSONAL NOTE: it is altogether likely that along with such amateur scientists as Bedini and Bearden, the likes of Tesla, the Russians, and now the US and other governments are using this knowledge. Disclosing this knowledge to the scientific community at large would, however, necessitate a lot of subsequent explaining of their motives for suppressing the knowledge. Alternately, one could speculate that most scientists are not willing to stick their neck too far out against the science orthodoxy ("Never attribute to malice of forethought what can be attributed to ignorance.")]
The Revealed Secrets of Classical Electrodynamics, "Generalised Classical Electrodynamics
for the prediction of scalar field effects"
(also linked here), a lengthy and dense, but illuminating scientific paper by Koen van Vlaenderen of the Netherlands
The Wilhelm Reich Museum, Orgonon, in Rangeley, Maine. They have copies of Reich's books available for purchase and they host an annual conference on Orgonomy (this year's will be from July 29 – August 1, 2007)
PORE - Public Orgonomic Research Exchange has current work related to Reich's ideas
The Orgone Biophysical Research Lab is a current, practicing laboratory exploring orgone
googling Steiner Biodynamics will show some of the similarities between Reich's and Steiner's energy theories. After Steiner's death several people applied biodynamic principles to the atmosphere's behavior with some success.

Sites about the politics of weather modification:

GovTrack's page about S. 517 [109th]: Weather Modification Research and Development Policy Authorization Act of 2005
Weather Modification a Long-Established, Though Secretive, Reality by Mary-Sue Haliburton (I swear that's got to be a pseudonym, else it's timely irony)
The Air Force's Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025
Tom Bearden's site mentioned above has the following quote (mirrored in an archive of the Defense Department's page) from the former Secretary of Defense, William Cohen, at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference:"Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts."
finally, another Blogger user has posted a concise and informative overview of weather modification.

Once again, thanks for listening to my show. I welcome any feedback you have. Keep looking up and don't lose your sense of wonder. Also, feel free to send me pictures of strange weather phenomena that you have witnessed. As Lao Tzu said, "The master observes the world, but trusts his inner vision."