Hello, and welcome back to the Littlest PetCast. In this episode, we go over the last regular episode of the show before the finale, "Seeing Red", written by Julie McNally-Cahil and Tim Cahill, and directed by Joel Dickie, Steven Garcia, and Mike Myhre. In this episode, Penny wants to become tougher, and thinks a red panda by the name of Scarletta can make that happen for her. Meanwhile, Blythe is writing a story for a school contest about her parents. However, when Roger stumbles upon it, he thinks it's about her and she's going to run away with someone tonight.

How boss is the sentence "Roger ate a salad in the dark"? Does Roger's behavior make sense? Did they confirm Blythe's mom is dead? Are my theories about Hasbro correct? Was this episode made out of recycled episode parts, or was it recycled into other episodes and then came about as a last hurrah?

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