Amber recently chatted with Pastor Mike Novotny on his podcast. The two had such a great conversation, we wanted to share it with "Little Things" listeners too! //

We may not have Moses' staff or the ten plagues to help us, but we are still like Moses in many ways. Like how we oftentimes don't think God can use us.

But oh yes, God can and does certainly use us. Pastor Mike is joined by Amber Albee Swenson this month to give us a sneak peek at October's TV message series that takes a look at Moses' life and ours, "Am I Strong Enough?" Pastor Mike and Amber touch upon burning bush moments (or lack thereof in our lives), worry, idolatry, how God uses us, and many more topics!

They also talk about October's resources. "Gifted for More" is a book by Dr. Bruce Becker. This engaging study shows you how to discover your own giftedness. Also included is Amber's book, "Chosen for More," which encourages you in the special role you have to play in God's story. Starting Sunday, you can get these resources at with your gift to the ministry.