In part two of my interview with Michelle Markgraf from Kingdom Workers, we continue our deep dive into the topic of abuse. We talk about listening and being patient with those who have been abused as well as reminding them they are loved. We also talk about what we can do to be part of the solution.

If you or someone you know is suffering from abuse, please go to to find more resources and information for getting help.

You can also listen to Pastor Mike Novotny's three-part sermon series about abuse on our Time of Grace podcast. Just search "Time of Grace" on your favorite podcast app.

About "Little Things":
Amber Albee Swenson, one of our Time of Grace writers and bloggers, will help you navigate through some of life’s challenges and struggles by using Scripture and her own experiences of being a mom, wife, speaker, teacher, and forgiven child of God . . . Because in God's kingdom, the little things ARE the big things.

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