Previous Episode: Blue Steel

Charlie turned 1 on November 4th. Weird. Who would of thought we could have kept a baby alive for a whole year. To be fair, Chrissy and Henrik have kept Emma alive for the same length of time, so I guess we are not that special.

In celebration of their longevity Emma and Charlie had a joint 'first birthday' party. This means they each got twice as many presents. Charlie and Emma invited 12 kids (all under 3) to their party. Each of the 12 kids brought along at least one adult. It was a pretty rocking party for our pretty small house.

Emma and Charlie played very well together; not surprising given that they are old school chums. Charlie also got to play with her next door neighbours Ellie and Gillian. As you can see Charlie loves Ellie.

Charlie received more gifts than we know what to do with. All the presents were very thoughtful. Special thanks to Maggie and Bruno for buying the toy with the most small parts that are scattered all over the house and inevitably end up under foot; a sweet revenge for the similar toy we got their daughter Sydney.

Charlie's birthday will always be crazy as it is directly preceded by Halloween and followed by Christmas. Charlie's first Halloween was fantastic as well. Our neighbourhood is infested with children; it would be no exaggeration to say we had 150 kids come to our door. As usual Emilie and I put off preparing for Halloween until the last minute. Charlie was a make-shift bunny (we used a recycled infant bunny hat and a taped on pom pom). I carved the pumpkin at 6:45 on Halloween night. The pumpkin was a sad sight, it looked like something a blind, left handed child, who was having a seizure would carve. Charlie had a great time answering the door and staying up past her bed time. Emilie and I had a great time eating the bags of candy charlie collected.

Only 1106 hours until Christmas....