Previous Episode: Splish Splash
Next Episode: There and Back Again

In the beginning there was a car, neatly and efficiently packed. There had been no tears shed. The tank was full (well 3/4 full) of gas. The sun was shining. The question is: can it last?

Today we are embarking on our longest road trip with Squishy. We are driving to Meg and Jon's wedding in Nova Scotia (where we were promised there would be a baby sitter). The plan is to segment the trip by spending a night at the cottage, a night in Quebec City and a night in New Brunswick and ultimately to arrive in Nova Scotia sometime next week.

Traveling with a small child is a bitch. They need so much stuff. I had always wondered how my father learned to expertly pack the car before long trips. Packing a vehicle seems to be a man's job. This is sexist, but true. I now know my father was not born with the ability to efficiently and economically pack a car. It is a super power that develops over time. I think I have now acquired the skill.

And so we set off feeling confident that we will survive and reminding ourselves that the trip is half the fun.