You might be asking yourself why we'd release an episode compiling all the advertisements from our first season. And no, it's not because we're looking to cash in on our internationally-renowned Love Island podcast.

You may have picked up that the ads are fake, but over the course of producing the season, what started as a fun bit grew into a complex narrative. The subtlety of the narrative is easily lost in a weekly podcast, however, so we pulled them all together, along with some relevant commentary from the show, into this "all ads" episode!

We hope you have as much fun listening to them as we did producing them. This episode features music by Jason Shaw of, Shane Ivers of, Rafael Krux, and Kevin MacLeod.

Join the Little Bit Leave It community on Patreon starting at $2 per month!


You might be asking yourself why we'd release an episode compiling all the advertisements from our first season. And no, it's not because we're looking to cash in on our internationally-renowned Love Island podcast.

You may have picked up that the ads are fake, but over the course of producing the season, what started as a fun bit grew into a complex narrative. The subtlety of the narrative is easily lost in a weekly podcast, however, so we pulled them all together, along with some relevant commentary from the show, into this "all ads" episode!

We hope you have as much fun listening to them as we did producing them. This episode features music by Jason Shaw of, Shane Ivers of, Rafael Krux, and Kevin MacLeod.

Join the Little Bit Leave It community on Patreon starting at $2 per month!