Produced by: Catherine Charlwood (@DrCharlwood) and Laura Ludtke (@lady_electric). Music composed and performed by Gareth Jones.
Laura and Catherine are joined by a special guest: Dr Kari Nixon (@HalfSickShadows). At the end of the episode, you can hear Kari read the poem ‘Inskripsjoner/Inscriptions’ bilingually in Norweigian and English by Tarjei Vesaas, trans. by Kenneth G. Chapman.
Episode resources:

Elizabeth Gaskell, North and South (1854)
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World (1932)
Catherine Charlwood, ‘“Habitually Embodied” Memories: The Materiality and Physicality of Music in Hardy's Poetry’, Nineteenth-Century Music Review (2020) DOI:
Sile O’Modhrain and R. Brent Gillespie (2018) ‘Once More, with Feeling: Revisiting the Role of Touch in Performer-Instrument Interaction’. In: Papetti S., Saitis C. (eds) Musical Haptics. Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems. Springer, Cham
Roland Barthes, Mythologies (1957)


Pamela K. Gilbert, Cholera and Nation (2008)
Claire Hooker, Chris Degeling and Paul Mason, ‘Dying a Natural Death: Ethics and Political Activism for Endemic Infectious Disease’, in Endemic: Essays in Contagion Theory, ed. by Kari Nixon and Lorenzo Servitje (2016), pp. 265-90
Anne Finger, Elegy for a Disease: A Personal and Cultural History of Polio (2013)
Giorgio Agamben, ‘L’invenzione di un’epidemia’ (25 February 2020)
The Art of Advertising. Bodleian Libraries (March to August 2020)
Robert Spear. ‘Arrest all dirt and cleanse everything.’ Hudson’s Dry Soap. The Sunday at Home (c. 1889)
Christopher Pittard, Purity and Contamination in Late Victorian Detective Fiction (2011)
Henry Stacy Marks. ‘Cleanliness is next to godliness.’ A & F Pears Ltd (c. 1889)
Judith Walzer Levitt, Typhoid Mary: Captive to the Public’s Health (1996)
Priscilla Wald, Contagious: Cultures, Carriers, and the Outbreak Narrative (2008)
Ellen Gutoskey, ‘Super Spreader: The Strange Story of Typhoid Mary’, Mental Floss (20 March 2020)
‘Influenza’ from the handwritten manuscript magazine for the Myllin Literary and Debating Society, number 1 (1898) held in the National Library of Wales archives
Kari Nixon, ‘I’m a Mom and a Vaccine Researcher. Here’s Why You Should Vaccinate Your Children’ HuffPost (25 April 2019)
Welsh Newspapers Online database, National Library of Wales
‘Vaccination Exemption’, South Wales Daily News (17 August 1899)