Previous Episode: Shantytown – César Aira

World leaders march arm-in-arm in Paris in support of free speech. Meanwhile, back at home, our freedoms are eroded almost daily.

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” predicted Ben Franklin, who knew a thing or two about the political mind’s unquenchable thirst for power and control.

In Britain, the government is introducing a law compelling nursery staff and childminders to report toddlers they suspect of being terrorists. No, your eyes didn’t decide you – and no, we didn’t just make that up.



Is there no end to this madness?

On the first Debriefer of the new year, we look at the state of the Enlightenment, circa 2015.

Authors, Literary Orgs Respond to 'Hebdo' Attack in Paris

Planned, cold-blooded killings mark French newspaper attack

Paris shooting: Cartoonists, economist among the dead in terror attack

Crowds in London Stand with Charlie Hebdo After Horrific Attack

U.S. determines North Korea behind Sony attack as studio pulls movie

New York premiere of 'The Interview' cancelled

Steve Carell’s North Korea Movie Dropped: New Regency Ditches Project

George R. R. Martin on The Interview - Game of Thrones Author Offers to Screen at his Cinema

'The Interview' streams to YouTube, Google Play, Xbox, Sony site

Sony’s ‘The Interview’ Will Come to Some Theaters After All

Possible copyright suit could create a smaller headache for The Interview

Atlanta’s fire chief fired following controversy over his religious book

Authors Guild Announces Support for Copyright and Marriage Equality Bill

Court Filing Ends AG v. HathiTrust Copyright Litigation

Ventura sues HarperCollins over 'American Sniper'


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