Her role as Louise Raymond in BBC's EastEnders brought her stardom and notoriety, but Carol Harrison's true life story has been as gripping as the plot of any television soap opera.

Born in London’s East End to a single mum, Carol grew up in abject poverty. It has been said that there are four main routes out of the East End - crime, sport, acting and rock'n'roll. Carol’s life connects three of those (she was once married to the son of one of Britain's best-known gangsters).

Garry’s guest tonight opens her heart about her screen love affair with Ross Kemp's character Grant Mitchell... her crazy fans... and the dubious lure of celebrity TV. Yes, it’s a treat for EastEnders aficionados... but there’s a lot more besides...

Carol’s life-long love of Mod culture, and especially Steve Marriott the singer with The Small Faces, has prompted her to become a theatrical producer. The stage musical All Or Nothing (which Carol wrote) opens in Worthing on 13th September, and tells the story of this iconic singer who inspired the Brit Pop phenomenon.

You can buy tickets to a special star-studded showcase performance of All Or Nothing The MOD Musical, plus live music from Kenney Jones, Chris Farlowe, Mollie Marriot and The Small Fakers on this link.

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