Next Episode: The Greatest Escape

It started in Sochi — the most expensive winter Olympics in history. A winter Olympics which, let us not forget, saw Great Britain take the gold in curling!

Then Pussy Riot— which is decidedly not a niche pornography market — were being publicly horsewhipped by men in funny hats while the world recoiled in horror and… didn’t do much of anything, really.

Then, in the beating Orange heart of Kiev’s Independence Square, came the protesters — or maybe they weren’t protesters at all: maybe they were agent provocateurs from America.

Next came the riot police — or maybe they weren’t riot police at all — maybe they were  paramilitary thugs from the infamous mercenary force, Blackwater.

Suddenly there were 70 dead, hundreds injured, a Ukrainian president forced to flee his massive gold-plated presidential palace leaving behind that most incriminating evidence of dictatorship — a private zoo.

Suddenly Russian troops — or maybe they’re not Russian; the uniforms are vague —deployed inside Crimea. Suddenly, if you believe the narrative being played out on the nightly news — half of Ukraine wants an EU passport while the other half wants to strip half-naked and wrestle bears a la Vladamir Putin.

On tonight’s Litopia After Dark, we have, in studio, satirist, television talking head and former Kremlin advisor Alexander Nekrassov.  And folks, believe us – Alexander does not get an easy time.

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