“We’re not a writing class, we’re a magazine.”

Vestal Review is firmly established as an exciting venue for exceptional flash by both emerging and well-known authors. Their stories have been reprinted in numerous anthologies such as Best of the Net, Sudden Flash Youth and You have Time for This and their stories have been selected for Wigleaf Top 50 multiple times. Vestal Review is an eclectic magazine, open to all genres except children’s stories and hard science fiction.

jmww is a weekly journal of writing publishing the best in fiction, poetry, flash, essays, and interviews (or a close approximation).

Alle C. Hall is Senior Nonfiction Editor at JMWW and Associate Editor for Vestal Review. Her work appears in Tupelo Quarterly, Creative Nonfiction Magazine, Brevity (blog), Literary Orphans,Word Riot, Treehouse, and The Best of Crack the Spine, among others.

Here are three stories Alle C. Hall mentioned in the episode:

Nonfiction: My Hangover Killed Lou Reed by Richard Prins

In the Pocket: Day 5: Fat Black Woman With No Ass But Breasts That Make Up For It by Katherine D. Morgan

The River Inside
(Alle C. Hall refers to this as “North Lake, I Remember” in the episode.)

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