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Today we're talking with Robinhood Ventures Executive Director Ellen Weber
She is also Executive Director: Temple University's Fox School of Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute

Hey everybody Mitchell Chadrow here welcome to the listen up show podcast if this is your first time listening thanks for stopping by the listen up show podcast which is produced several times per week for your entertainment and show notes are found at 036 come back often and feel free to add the podcast to your
favorite RSS feed or iTunes - please sign up to my email list for the latest special offers exclusively for our listen up show start-up entrepreneur podcast audience at Mitchell up

again that's your welcome email will provide all the resources from the startup checklist, Ebook 30 tools to startup, courses and many education and training materials to help you get started.
our three sponsors today Hostgator sponsors our startup round audible an amazon company sponsors are fast pitch and Snappa sponsors our wrap-up you can also follow me on twitter @MitchellChadrow and

All links are in the show notes now let's get into the show

what are we going to actually talk about today - well we're going to talk:
To our Ellen Weber about:

- how she helps startups startup and the resources her organization provides
- steps she had taken to Build great companies
- what drives her passion to innovate and what are we going to see coming out of this tri state Philadelphia area over the next several years

Ellen How are you this evening - it's great to have you on the show

We have tons to un pack here and I want to cover it all so let's jump right in

Ellen - What's the one thing that contributes most to your success?
You are really active in the Philadelphia startup community:

and you are involved in so many organizations :

What are the reoccurring themes that you experience as an
entrepreneur that you can summarize for the benefit of aspiring entrepreneurs, current startups looking for help and those looking for resources to either startup, grow or take their business to the next level or someone who just wants to get experience as an intern or find a job.

Hostgator sponsors this startup round - I use Hostgator to host all my websites so check out the special offer of 25% off exclusive to my listeners of the listen show podcast audience at

What is the one best piece of business advice you ever received.
so people can get to know you better

fill in the gaps a tell us more about your personal story -

Tell us a little bit about how this background and ties in to how you are helping people today?


4. What do you think are the most common mistakes other startups or entrepreneurs or students interested in business make that delay or prevent their success?

5. Can you give us some of the essential understandings entrepreneurs/students need to have the proper mindset to deal with the daily challenges they face?

Q: Your Best business practices

Q: So what things do you delegate to others because your not so good at it


I know
(, as a leading angel group in the Philadelphia region helping startups scale and grow -
Since 1999,

Tell us about the process companies go through from initial startup through excite -

Robin Hood Ventures has invested in over 60 early-stage, high-growth startups, en route to building great companies. Our investments generally range from $250,000 to $1 million, and we syndicate with venture capitalists, institutions, and other angels in our network. We are passionate about using our expertise to build great companies. Our members boast a wealth of experience in a range of industries from IT to financial services to healthcare, and they are able to leverage their knowledge and networks to add real value to our companies.

These are some other organizations that you help - Philly Startup Leaders, Philly Tech Meetup, and the Alliance of Women Entrepreneurs.
Talk to us about the resources you provide them and what it takes to become a success


So how did you get started in business??
Co-founder several companies
also COO and VisionMine (, which provides a specialized Open Innovation portal to large corporations. VisionMine is a subscription service that allows corporate clients collaborative access to early start-up innovations, new technologies, and entrepreneurs that solve business problems.

You have over 25 years of experience creating strong teams and building strong leaders for emerging companies as well as Fortune 500 clients. Can you talk to us about specific names and what you did
Also Managing Director Antiphony Partners, LLC, a strategic consulting firm that specializes in helping companies create sustainable value through innovation.

I was involved in the growth of Investor Force, a provider of technology-based solutions for institutional investment professionals, where I created the company's initial human resources department, facilitated strategic planning, and managed the organizational aspects of the company's mergers and acquisitions.
Shared Medical Systems (12 yrs) where I was responsible for initiatives encompassing organizational development, customer support and corporate communications.
senior consultant for Andersen Consulting.

Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship
Audible an amazon company sponsors our
fast pitch. I also started my own book club with all my recommendations and the recommendations of our guests at
Quote : John Quincy Adams: "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader"
Resource under $100

Fun fact:

Temple’s Be Your Own Boss Bowl business plan competition is well on its way this year, and we have a record number of teams that have applied for mentors.
graduated Wharton School with a B.S. in economics.
So What are the key challenges you face

Snappa sponsors our wrap-up Round I was so impressed with this company and what they can do to help you with all your graphic design needs check out I interviewed the Founder of Snappa Christopher Gimmer and that interview is at

We all go through adversity what actions did you take to overcome it

Mentors - expectations - participate in weekly calls or in-person meetings - support and guide the teams.

Mid-Atlantic Diamond Ventures Forum is February 1st. (MADV) assists early-stage technology and innovation-based companies acquire funding and build sustainable businesses. MADV prepares the companies for investment, helps ensure their investment materials are as defensible and compelling as they can be, and provides networking connections plus coaching around critical aspects of entrepreneurship and building a business.

What are your three main takeaways
You want to leave our audience with
Let me ask for your help

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Full interview transcripts, the ebook 30 tools to startup, startup checklist, education and training materials and other resources only available to those who signup.

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For those who subscribe at you get all full transcripts of every show, startup checklist, ebook 30 tools to startup, new courses that come out, education and training materials and the latest cool stuff going on in the Trusted Friends Community


Ellen - How we can keep in contact with you any special links and resources you can provide for the audience so I can place s link in the show notes