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Career Advice, Personal Development, Coaching, legacy planning, habits with Steve Bazemore on today’s show 030 where he tells us about his personal story, provides career advice, personal development coaching and tells us a wake-up call story.

It’s all about startups, entrepreneurs, business owners and those with careers who deep down inside really do want to startup

What we discuss on today’s show:

Steve talks to us about his personal story enjoying life, find your calling and his wake up to call in 2012.

He tells us about the process he developed as a how-to guide for individuals working on their own transformations. He calls it 36 Days to an Extraordinary Life.

The reoccurring themes that he experiences as a Coach and someone in a long term career that he summarizes for the benefit of other aspiring side hustle entrepreneurs, career transition-minded or those looking for help and resources to either startup and grow a business or get something going as you call your side hustle.

So what is personal development coaching

What he thinks are the most common mistakes other career minded or people trying to startup on the side interested in business make that delay or prevent their success?

All about career advice.

The essential understandings entrepreneurs/students need to have the proper mindset to deal with the daily challenges they face?

This is our Fast round

So the Next fast round question is sponsored by “audible” your inspirational book” what one book would you recommend as it relates to business family or life

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1) Best business advice you would put up on a bill board

2) Give us a Book in business, family or life:

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown

3) Your Best business practices

4) Everyone wants to know what’s the secret ingredients to your success

5) App that you use to help you in business, family or life

6) A quote or mantra that helps you be purposeful and practical – you use to inspire and motivate

7) Less than $100 purchase that has impacted your life the most –

8) Fun fact:

9) Worse advice being given to young entrepreneurs today –

10) When you think of the word successful what first name comes to your mind

11) What one thing Contributes most to your success


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today’s show is also sponsored by

Our listeners are looking for those special resources to help startup a business, generate ideas for family and life or to or to help them gain employment until they startup

So join other trusted friends of the Listenup Show, the Mitchell Chadrow Podcast and join my email list now at –

and as a thank you I will send you an outline for the Startup entrepreneur the same one we discuss on our last show 029 with our Co-Founders of vFit and the ebook 30 Tools and Resources to Startup just for joining today it’s great whether you are using it for business family or life so grab it today – guess what snappa is on that list

You can get all of today’s show notes head to

And if you like this interview, please rate me on iTunes. That’s all I care about these days. Go to It will automatically take you to iTunes. Throw in a rating. It will really help us out and it will help other people discover the podcast.

Join our mailing list at get that ebook 30 Tools to startup

How to keep in touch

Resources mentioned in this episode:


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