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Why is there a wizard in Basil's house?

This episode is made for kids.

This episode was written and produced by Tal Minear. The Wizard was voiced by David Hanna and Rion was voiced by Tal Minear.

Tal is a podcaster, voice actor, and sound designer with too many passions and too little time. A Mechanical Engineer by daytime, they can be found working on audio fiction by night. Tal is the writer and producer for Sidequesting as well as the co-creator of Light Hearts and Ungifts. They enjoy voice acting in other productions, including Novitero, Sector Ø, and Witches of the City.

Check out Tal's work at
Check out David's work at


INTRO: Strangers in Strange Places, Part 2 of 5

[SFX: Cat shapeshifts into a person.]

WIZARD: I’m sorry for borrowing your scarf, I get really cold when I’m a cat, for some reason.

RION: But, why were you a cat? And why were you in Basil’s house?

WIZARD: Well, I’m a wizard. My specialty is transformation, you see. I’m here because one of my students accidentally got turned into a rat.

RION: Okay I have some more questions.

CREDITS: This episode of Listen, Rinse, Repeat was written and produced by Tal Minear. The Wizard was voiced by David Hanna and Rion was voiced by Tal Minear.

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