Ants lay strange eggs.

This episode is not explicit.

Story by Kenneth Eckle, Music by Mx Michael


Ants lay too many eggs.

We all know and love ants; they fight with grasshoppers about seasons. But did you also know that when an ant becomes the queen of a new colony, it will lay THOUSANDS of eggs a day? Not only that, but it has to choose the sex of every single one! That’s a lot of decision-making! If she chooses to fertilize an egg, it becomes a female worker ant; all the unfertilized eggs become male sex slaves. In the queen’s entire, and what must be dull, lifetime, it will lay about a third of a million eggs! That’s more eggs than stars in the sky, I bet. Finally, in an act of unbridled sadism, she also determines which of the eggs will become their own future queens, thereby subjecting them to the same endless and frankly bizarre cycle of lifelong torture.

Ants lay strange eggs.

Mx Michael