My friend Dallin Patton (from Tucson, Kansas Wichita Mission RM, Senior in Social Work at Utah State University) joins us to bravely share his story. Dallin discusses the years before his mission (navigating his identity, some conversion therapy, and mostly putting it in a “box at the back of his head”). These were difficult years for Dallin.

Dallin talks about his decision to serve a mission (spent most of his time in Wichita, Kansas) and often being filled with anxiety that someone would discover his sexual orientation. Dallin talks about how his mission was both incredibly hard and amazing—and how the anxiety and depression led to him coming home after about 17 months of service.

Dallin then talks about attending Utah State and dating women as that was his “only hope for a normal life” and “being gay was like a death sentence”. After not being able to make it work with a woman, Dallin talks about how he moved out of the dark space to more light and hope including personal revelation stating “Dallin you are gay and that is OK”.

Dallin talks about starting a chapter of the “Queer Christian Initiative” at Utah State and the need for safe spaces for those that are queer and Christians. Dallin concludes talking about how his emotional health and hope for the future “has never been better”.

If you are queer and trying to find hope, Dallin’s story will help you. If you are a parent, friend and/or ally to queer Latter-day Saints, Dallin’s story will help you.

Thank you, Dallin, for being on the podcast. You are a great man with a wonderful future. This world is a better place with Dallin Patton in it!


Dallin Patton’s IG: @dallin.patton

Richard Ostler books/bio/etc.:

Facebook Group to support LGBTQ Latter-day Saints: